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Chatspot AI assistant or ChatGPT: Which is better for content creation?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer for marketers. Whether you’re crafting compelling content, managing customer relationships, or optimising your sales funnel, AI-powered tools like ChatSpot and ChatGPT are revolutionising how businesses approach these tasks. But which of these AI assistants is better for content creation? In this blog, we’ll explore both tools in depth, focusing on their unique features, strengths, and limitations to help you determine which is best suited for your needs.

Introducing ChatSpot and ChatGPT

ChatSpot is a conversational AI tool developed by HubSpot, designed to assist businesses with their sales, marketing, and service goals. It leverages AI models from HubSpot, OpenAI, and Stability AI to help users manage CRM data, prospect companies, generate content, and more. ChatSpot is deeply integrated with HubSpot’s CRM, making it an ideal tool for HubSpot users who want to enhance their marketing and sales operations.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a widely recognised AI model known for its ability to generate human-like text. Unlike ChatSpot, ChatGPT is not tied to any specific platform, making it a versatile tool used by marketers, content creators, and businesses across various industries for a wide range of tasks, from drafting emails to creating complex content pieces.

ChatGPT: A Versatile AI Tool for Content Creation

ChatGPT is an AI language model designed to generate high-quality, human-like text based on the prompts it receives. Its versatility lies in its ability to handle a broad range of tasks across different contexts. Whether you need to draft a blog post, create social media content, or write detailed reports, ChatGPT can adapt to various content formats and styles.

The power of ChatGPT lies in its ability to understand and generate nuanced language, making it an excellent tool for creating compelling and engaging content. Users can control and customise the output through specific prompts, allowing for a high degree of flexibility and creativity. The ability to fine-tune the AI’s responses to meet particular needs is one of the key reasons why many marketers and content creators prefer ChatGPT. To dive deeper into how to craft effective prompts, consider exploring our guide on Mastering Prompting on ChatGPT.

Use Cases:

  1. Blog Post Creation: Marketers can use ChatGPT to draft comprehensive blog posts on a wide range of topics. By providing a detailed prompt, such as “Write a blog post about the benefits of sustainable business practices,” ChatGPT can generate a well-structured, informative article that can be edited and refined.
  2. Social Media Content: ChatGPT can quickly generate engaging social media posts for platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. For example, by asking ChatGPT to “Create a LinkedIn post announcing our company’s new sustainability initiative,” users can produce polished content ready for sharing.
  3. Email Campaigns: ChatGPT is very useful for email marketing. Sales teams can use ChatGPT to draft personalised email templates for outreach campaigns. By providing details about the recipient and the purpose of the email, ChatGPT can craft messages that resonate with potential clients.
  4. Report Writing: ChatGPT can assist in creating detailed reports by generating content based on specific data or research provided in the prompt. For example, a prompt like “Summarise the key findings of our Q2 sales report” will yield a concise overview.


  • Tailored for HubSpot Users: ChatSpot is designed to work seamlessly with HubSpot’s CRM, making it a powerful tool for HubSpot customers.

  • Ease of Use: With pre-built templates and prompts, ChatSpot is user-friendly and accessible, even for those without technical expertise.

  • Personalisation: ChatSpot’s integration with HubSpot’s CRM allows for personalised content creation based on customer data.

  • Customer Journey Management: Users can set up automated workflows and manage customer journeys directly within HubSpot.

  • Support and Training: HubSpot provides extensive support and training resources to help users maximise ChatSpot's potential.


  • Limited to HubSpot: ChatSpot’s functionality is confined to the HubSpot platform, making it less useful for those who use other CRMs or platforms.

  • Evolving Capabilities: As a relatively new tool, ChatSpot’s capabilities are still developing and may not yet match the sophistication of more generalised AI tools like ChatGPT.

  • Limited Flexibility: Unlike ChaptGPT, which can be used for a wide range of tasks, ChatSpot is more specialised and may not be suitable for all content creation needs.

Feature ChatGPT ChatSpot


High – Usable across various platforms and industries

Low – Limited to HubSpot users and ecosystem


High – Users can craft specific prompts

Moderate – Pre-built prompts with limited customisation

Content Quality

High – Generates human-like, nuanced text

Moderate – Effective within its tailored scope


Low – Limited without CRM integration

High – Leverages HubSpot CRM data for personalised content

Ease of Use

Moderate – Requires learning how to use prompts

High – User-friendly with pre-built templates


Low – No built-in CRM integration

High – Seamlessly integrates with HubSpot CRM

Support and Training

Community-driven resources and tutorials available

Extensive support and training provided by HubSpot

Best For

Marketers looking for flexibility across platforms

HubSpot users needing tailored marketing solutions


Requires learning prompts, lacks CRM data access

Limited to HubSpot, evolving capabilities


Which is better for content creation?

When deciding between ChatGPT and ChatSpot for content creation, the right choice depends largely on your specific needs and the platforms you use.

ChatGPT is the superior option for those seeking a versatile, powerful AI tool that can be applied across various platforms and industries. Its flexibility, high-quality output, and wide accessibility make it ideal for content creators who need a tool that adapts to different contexts and requirements.

On the other hand, ChatSpot excels within the HubSpot ecosystem, offering a seamless, user-friendly experience for HubSpot customers. Its deep integration with HubSpot’s CRM allows for personalised content creation and efficient customer journey management, making it a great choice for those already embedded in the HubSpot environment.

In summary, if you’re looking for a flexible AI tool that can be used across multiple platforms, ChatGPT is likely the better choice. However, if you’re a HubSpot user in need of a specialised tool that integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM, ChatSpot may be the perfect solution.

Tanya Kuwadekar

About the Author

Tanya is a Junior Marketing Executive who joined Oxygen after graduating from HKUST with a degree in Marketing. Since 2023, she has contributed to the development of engaging marketing content.

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